Party with DJ Sylvie

After all that eating it was time for a real party! With some real people. And a real DJ. Or DJess. As you wish.

DJ Sylvie doing her thing

I know I’ll say a cliche but she lifted us high and kept us there for a while. Too bad every party has to end because sometimes you wish for the opposite so badly… But at least my party portofolio includes another nice experience. And when I think about the fact that I hardly wanted to go because I was tired of all that eating, mountain climbing and descending… But thanks to a certain girl’s convincing power I went. And I don’t regret the decision for a second because I had a such greeeat time and from the moment I arrived in the disco I felt no sign of tiredness only euphoria and party hunger. :-) A perfect way to end a perfect day. Yay!

Here’s a short video clip with one of the glory moments. I watched it at least 20 times and every time it gave me the goosebumps. So nice…

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