Thursday, April 20, 2006As in Yet Another Birthday. It came and went as it always does and here I am one year older. If it’s the number you’re curious about, check out the about page (at least my site will get some traffic you RSS freaks).
Actually the birthday itself was divided in two because Monday the 17th, the day itself, was Easter Monday - a holiday for me and so at the company I was celebrated on Friday. Oh, and this year I interrupted a kind of tradition as there was no miniparty (with pizza and drinks for everybody) at my place. I blame my budget. Which is on low side for the moment…
Anyway, here’s the present list: a Philips hair trimmer from my work collegues and boss, a bottle of vine and a Kinder egg from the extended company members, a pair of comfortable shoes and a nice shirt from Ioana, a shiny pillow from my Mum, some money from my partner in crime and a BeatPort giftcard from the infamous Seb which I yet have to spend. Plus many kind words from many other people either personally, by SMS or via Yahoo! Messenger. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all those warm wishes. It felt really nice and in a way you made me forget how dangerously close I’m getting to that round number which starts with a 3…